Can rat remote monitoring device transform entire pest control industry?

Rat infestation is an age-old issue faced by the entire world. Also, it has become one of the most serious health concerns over the past few decades. Relying solely upon manpower, it is one of the most challenging concerns for pest controllers. The majority of the companies address this issue by providing mundane solutions like utilization of the rodenticides as well as bait. There is the introduction of the iOT-based rat remote monitoring device which is definitely the future of rodent detection technology. As iOT (Internet of Things) comprises a network of interconnected devices that can be accessed through the internet. Thus, IOT-based rat monitoring technology is undeniably serving as a breeze to the owners of commercial buildings and other facilities where rodents cause big havoc. The device can be connected through smartphones or computers incorporating the sensors. Whenever any rodent activity is detected by the sensors, it will be immediately notified to the pest control operator or department so that they can keep an eye on these nasty creatures from any time or from anywhere.

The best remote control devices solution helps you to keep eye on pests, 24/7 from anywhere

The best remote control device solution facilitates automatic rodent surveillance for monitoring their activities around the clock. The PCOs (pest control operators) can actually have real-time access, and 24/7 & map visualization due to the presence of inbuilt data analytics. Due to the effectiveness of the remote rat monitoring device 24/7, there is a reduction in the reliance on manpower and it provides real-time mapping for planning targeted treatment plan.

The high remote monitoring device is automated surveillance system

This advanced and high remote monitoring device is a wireless and tireless network comprising of the sensors that are being present in all the traps which have been placed in a strategic manner in & around the facility. The automated surveillance system will be sending real-time capture alerts with regular status reporting 24/7.

Why choose Trapsim?

  • It is hard to recruit pest controllers who can go out and conduct the checking of all the traps, throughout the day and night. With the help of advanced and sophisticated remote monitoring devices, pest managers can recruit one individual who can carry out the analysis based on real-time data rather than checking the traps all the time.
  • So, pest remote control device solution leads to more effective work and increased job satisfaction. Also, this particular rat monitoring technology saves time as well as money & assists the technician to reach areas with limited access.


Thus, Trapsim is undeniably a pioneering innovation in the field of rodent monitoring and control and can go a long way in assisting out commercial businesses in mitigating the risks associated with rodents.

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